Client-Side Set Up

This section contains the information you need to set up the client side. You use the
Unified Checkout
JavaScript library to add the payment interface to your e‑commerce site. It has two primary components:
  • The button widget, which lists the payment methods available to the customer.
  • The payment acceptance page, which captures payment information from the cardholder. You can set up the payment acceptance page to be integrated with your webpage or added as a sidebar.
Follow these steps to set up the client:
  1. Load the JavaScript library.
  2. Initialize the accept object, the capture context JWT. For information JSON Web Tokens, see JSON Web Tokens.
  3. Initialize the unified payment object with optional parameters.
  4. Show the button list or payment acceptance page or both.
The response to these interactions is a transient token that you use to retrieve the payment information captured by the UI.

Loading the JavaScript Library and Invoking the Accept Function

Use the client library asset path and client library integrity value that is returned by the capture context response to invoke
Unified Checkout
on your page.
You can retrieve these values from the
fields that are returned in the JWT from
. You can use these values to create your script tags.
You must perform this process for each transaction, as these values may be unique for each transaction. You must avoid hard-coding values for the
fields to prevent client-side errors.
For example, a response from
would include:
"data": { "clientLibrary":"[EXTRACT clientLibrary VALUE from here]", "clientLibraryIntegrity": "[EXTRACT clientLibraryIntegrity VALUE from here]" }
Below is an example script tag:
<script src="[INSERT clientLibrary VALUE HERE]" integrity=”[INSERT clientLibraryIntegrity VALUE HERE]” crossorigin=”anonymous”></script>
When you load the library, the capture context from your initial server-side request is used to invoke the accept function.
Use the
parameter values in the capture context response to obtain the
Unified Checkout
JavaScript library URL and the integrity value. This ensures that you are always using the most up-to-date library. Do not hard-code the
Unified Checkout
JavaScript library URL or integrity value.

JavaScript Example: Initializing the SDK

<script src="[INSERT clientLibrary VALUE HERE]" integrity=”[INSERT clientLibraryIntegrity VALUE HERE]” crossorigin=”anonymous”></script> <script> Accept('header.payload.signature').then(function(accept) { // use accept object }); </script>
In this example,
refers to the capture context JWT.

Adding the Payment Application and Payment Acceptance

After you initialize the
Unified Checkout
object, you can add the payment application and payment acceptance pages to your webpage. You can attach the
Unified Checkout
embedded tool and payment acceptance pages to any named element within your HTML. Typically, they are attached to explicit named
components that are replaced with
Unified Checkout
If you do not specify a location for the payment acceptance page, it is placed in the side bar.

JavaScript Example: Setting Up with Full Sidebar

const authForm = document.getElementById("authForm"); const transientToken = document.getElementById("transientToken"); const cc = document.getElementById("captureContext").value; const showArgs = { containers: { paymentSelection: "#buttonPaymentListContainer" } }; Accept(cc) .then(function(accept) { return accept.unifiedPayments(); }) .then(function(up) { return; }) .then(function(tt) { transientToken.value = tt; authForm.submit(); });

JavaScript Example: Setting Up with the Embedded Component

The main difference between using an embedded component and the sidebar is that the
object is set to
, and the location of the payment screen is passed in the containers argument.
const authForm = document.getElementById("authForm"); const transientToken = document.getElementById("transientToken"); const cc = document.getElementById("captureContext").value; const showArgs = { containers: { paymentSelection: "#buttonPaymentListContainer", paymentScreen: "#embeddedPaymentContainer" } }; Accept(cc) .then(function(accept) { // Gets the UC instance (e.g. what card brands I requested, any address information I pre-filled etc.) return accept.unifiedPayments(); }) .then(function(up) { // Display the UC instance return; }) .then(function(tt) { // Return transient token from UC's UI to our app transientToken.value = tt; authForm.submit(); }).catch(function(error) { //merchant logic for handling issues alert("something went wrong"); });